THE FUTURE:             1: click HERE
INTERESTED?            2: view the benefits of the AI programs on THIS page (all short information videos)
LIKE TO REGISTER? 3: then click on THIS link

Update July 2, 2024
Onpassive is migrating and improving all systems. The platforms and website may be temporarily unavailable until this process is completed. We will be informed once the migration process is complete.
All funds have now been released and all commissions will be paid out in the very short term, after which the distribution of the customers will take place.

Update April 14, 2024
The reason that payouts have been halted is, that the payment processor has withheld a large part of the crypto. This resulted in a 3-month lawsuit. The total 6 months of fund investment has almost ended, after which the legal challenge should be over.

Update March 11, 2024

  • OStaff (the counterpart of Oracle/SAP) will be tested internally in March (Beta test). OStaff automates the administrative and recruitment process of an organization.
  • OStaff can be combined with OHire (for job seekers)
  • OCounting (automating calculations) is planned for July 2024
  • OTracker is the counterpart of Google Analytics
  • There will also be Peer2Peer loans
  • Payment processes and payouts have been temporarily halted. Current applications do not need to be canceled. They will pick up the thread again soon

Update January 13, 2024
Starting this month, all commissions will be paid out and program purchases will run smoothly
From January 16, all registered customers (more than 1.6 million) will be distributed among the shareholders

Update November 3, 2023

  • Next week, payments can be made in crypto from any country
  • The ability to pay an invoice for another account will come later
  • Bulk payouts will start within 1 week with a maximum withdrawable amount of 25,000 per withdrawal
  • New products will be added very soon
  • OnPassive will be effectively launched on the market around November 10
  • Within 2 weeks, the 1 million customers on the waiting list will be distributed among the shareholders
  • Shareholders who have not yet purchased OConnect will of course only be assigned customer(s) after at least one product has been purchased
  • ODomein is on schedule and it will become your brand and your company!
  • OVerify: A business can be verified by the person behind the business

Update September 8, 2023,
Payment by credit card has been temporarily disabled because this has not yet worked smoothly in all countries.

OnPassive is LIVE and commercial with O-Connect!

Update September 1, 2023
Those who completed all the previous steps received 10 Okoin (1 Okoin = 1 USD) as a thank you.
 In the meantime, the initial payment of $97, - (which members paid to become a founding partner) has also been refunded...

That means everyone became a shareholder for FREE!

The step that must now be taken as soon as possible is to purchase O-Connect. This is necessary to be able to earn money passively because OnPassive is going to get people/customers below you and that's why we all got in, isn't it?
So even if you will not or hardly use O-Connect and even if you have registered 3 or more directs… if you want to earn money passively, this is the 1st “mandatory” step.

Step-by-step plan for purchasing O-Connect:

  1. Login at
  2. Click Marketplace
  3. In OConnect click on Get it Now (see image)
    The price for 3 months is normally 375 Okoin, but as a launch bonus, we get 1 month free.
    Since we already have 107 Okoin in our wallet, we only have to pay (one time?) 143 Okoin. You can do this via Mastercard, Visa, or crypto.
  4. Scroll all the way down and click Subscribe
    You will now see a similar image below where the box for the Revenue wallet has already been checked.
  5. Check the round box of 'Pay with Card' or Pay with Crypto and then click Confirm.
  6. Now arrange payment as requested. Payment by card is as follows:
  7. NOTE: if the payment fails, DO NOT PANIC. Click on your wallet and if the amount is Pending (as in image) then do nothing! Just wait.

OConnect...better and cheaper than Skype; Zoom etc:

  • 10,000 Webinar or conference participants
  • 100 webinar or conference speakers
  • Unlimited Webinars and conferences per day
  • Unlimited duration of a Webinar or conference
  • 2 hosts
  • unlimited co-hosts
  • Unlimited cloud storage
  • Presentation mode
  • Whiteboard mode
  • Live Poll
  • Question and answer mode
  • Call to action
  • Press a link
  • Intake
  • Screen sharing
  • Global reach

Update June 24, 2023
Today at 7:55 PM there will be a Live event, which can be followed online in various ways, during which O-Connect and O-Tracker will be introduced.

The links to this event can be found in your back office when you click on Read More:

Update May, 21, 2023
All On-Passive shareholders will receive a $97 gift

It is important to sign the final NDA. Once that's done, your affiliate link will be released allowing you to start earning money, either by bringing in customers yourself or by OnPassive, as promised, doing it for you!
After signing the NDA, 10 credits will be placed in your wallet immediately (1 credit = 1$).
The second step is to open O-Connect for the free trial. NOTE: even if you are not going to use O-Connect, it is still important to open it and purchase it as soon as possible. WHY? Because you are 'Grandfathered' through this purchase, which means that you can also generate income from the following purchases (which you only have to make if there is sufficient income to match it...).
And finally, you will receive your investment back in the amount of $97 in a very short time, so that you have a total of 107 credits to purchase products.

PLEASE NOTE: from September all accounts that have not taken the above steps will expire!!!

Update May 7, 2023
Step 1: If the most recent NDA has not yet been signed, you will find it under the profile name at Documents.
Step 2: Necessary action: To start earning passively, click on Marketplace/ O-Connect and click on a 14-day free trial.
Please note: the purchase of at least 1 package is necessary to (passively) earn with OnPassive (even if you do not use the purchased package!).
Our advice is therefore to start immediately with the free 14-day trial of O-Connect.
Click HERE for an English video explaining of O-Connect.

Update April 22, 2023

Action required to receive the affiliate link:

  1. Login to
  2. Click on your name/profile and check whether your details are still correct, if not, first adjust via Edit profile and then Save
  3. Click Become an affiliate 
  4. Check the 2 boxes at the bottom of the NDA form and place a signature (click on the blue button in the signature box if the signature is not to your liking)
  5. The affiliate link is now activated: 
  6. Wait for further instructions and don't do anything with the affiliate link yet!

Update January 10, 2023
Of course, things sometimes go wrong during a major update and it can happen that during a system test, some members who were successfully registered can suddenly no longer log in.
This bug can be fixed very easily. Click HERE and then click Founding Members Register Here.
Fill out the form with the original credentials and the account will be active again.

Update December 3, 2022
If the registration went well, you will see the button O-Founders in the dashboard between the button Dashboard and O-Mail.




  If you do not see this button, you are registered as a customer and you must take the following steps:
   First, log in to OnPassive, click on your profile in the top right corner, and then click on Delete account
- Log in now at
- Click the popup away by clicking on the cross at the top right
- In the subsequent popup, click Proceed
- You will now enter the shortened login of registration. Your name is probably already entered. Enter the e-mail address; create a password (may be the same as that of O-founders) and click on Create your mail.



Update November 22, 2022
*Register for OnPassive Ecosystem

  • Log in to and click on the blue button at the top right (see image)
  • You will now arrive at the registration page (even if you have previously created an email address) and choose your desired language
  • Fill in all fields and at Alternative email address enter your email address where you are registered with O-Founders
  • Click on Verify at this email address. You will receive an email with a 6-digit number. Fill this in and click Verify again
  • Now fill in the rest and click Sign in to O-Mail
  • Add the website to your Favourites!

Note: you may see the listing as Not a valid link. Don't worry, just wait for it to work and try again later.

O-Mail needs some time to work smoothly. There are millions of people registering now so please be patient. it'll be fine!

After O-Mail has been registered, click on Dashboard and you will be taken to the environment where you will soon be able to make your first purchase via Marktplaats. The first 10 Credits welcome bonus = $10 are already credited to your wallet. Your team is listed under The Users and you can see who has already registered.
Dare to click on everything because this is the best way to find out what the website has to offer you and where everything can be found.
It is your responsibility to devote time and attention to this. The only thing Cleo Company will soon explain is how we can purchase the first product and how we can invite people as customers.

Update November 21, 2022
OnPassive has been launched!!!

OnPassive has entered into a partnership agreement with BeIN Sports (128 network channels) as one of the main sponsors for streaming the world's largest sporting event in Qatar. Over a period of 3-4 weeks, there will be several campaigns of 10 days each with 10,000 TV spots in 27 countries of which 64 channels are in Arabic and 64 in English.
The first campaign is a video about the brand and the concept. The 2nd campaign is about 1 or more free products and the 3rd campaign is about 1 or more paid products.

Probably from tonight, after logging in to the website at the top right, we can go to the new website where we can register for the new O-Mail (the beta version expires today, so make sure to secure important emails!).

Soon more updates with a print screen so that everyone knows exactly what to do.

Update October 23, 2022
As soon as the Gofounders website is opened, will stop. You can complete your profile and then create your new email and password. You get a unique domain name.
You also have to go through the E-KYC by
1: a live photo of yourself
2: Upload a valid ID through a verification process.
Those who have multiple accounts can link them together after which all accounts are automatically verified.
All products receive an explanation/ manual via a document and a video tutorial

Update October 10, 2022

First, we will get a website (with domain name); an O-Wallet where the money can be deposited, and an O-Mail address. Later, other free software packages such as O-trim, O-Track, etc. will be added.

Once your website is up and running, the first paid product O-Connect is launched (a webinar software something like Zoom).
You have to buy O-Connect if you want to start earning. The price of O-Connect for GoFounders will be lower than the real price that customers will have to pay.

After O-Connect is purchased, the commission starts to come in, as well as the commission for paid software packages that are later brought to the market. Because you also receive the commission from later paid software packages, this is an advantage as a GoFounder, but here too it applies that you can only have the commission of the later paid software products paid out if you have actually purchased the product.

If you have multiple accounts, you should consider each account as something separate. So for each account, you have to purchase the software packages.

In summary (applies to any account, even if you have several):
1) First website with O-wallet
2) Purchase O-Connect
3) Receive a commission from O-Connect
4) Have O-Connect paid out a commission
5) Also commission from other paid programs even if you have not purchased them yet (grandfathered)
6) First purchase the program and then have any commission paid out.

Update July 16, 2022
There are 10-12 products released per year and to give everyone a chance, one can start with a cheap package (e.g. $50), and once there is enough money one can upgrade to a more expensive package (e.g. $150).

Some features of the O-Wallet:
- The wallet is approved in 196 countries, 120 currencies, and 6 different payout methods.
- If someone has multiple accounts, multiple O-Wallets can be linked.
- There are multiple layers of security (including facial recognition)
- Working with O-coins (ecosystem)
- KYC is needed
An O-mail address can also be created. To do this, first sign the User term and Conditions with your name and then choose an email address

Support from O-Passive can only be reached via the website (top right of the O-Founders website)

Update July 5, 2022
Important: Onpassive will generate passive income for everyone, but commissions will only be paid AFTER you have paid the FIRST MONTH and purchased the product! People with a network may already see earnings in their wallet, but they also have to pay the 1st month before they can withdraw funds. This is a smart move by the company because it prevents everyone from waiting for each other!
Via your own referral link, you can invite customers and resellers to try the products for FREE, but they too can only withdraw any earnings after they have bought the product themselves!
Products will be sold separately or in combination packages and there is a commission to earn on everything.
The full summary can be read in your Back Office under the heading Updates.
Also, make sure that you have signed the NDA for all products separately and that your name and address details are correct!

Update June 22, 2022
From this moment on, no one can become a shareholder anymore, only customers will be added whose proceeds are largely distributed among the shareholders. We are currently in the soft launch for about 3 months.

The O-wallet is fully developed and an agreement has been signed with 196 countries. From now on everything has to be integrated and tested and that takes about 3-4 weeks. A KYC (know your customer) is only requested upon withdrawal of money and there will be good guidance and training.

A decision is now also being made about the delivery of the products. The products can be delivered in the back office, on, or as a temporary stand-alone offer, we'll have to wait and see.

The first multi-regional in-house data center is ready and the equipment has been purchased and integrated. The work for the next data center will be green and highly sophisticated.

Update June 9, 2022
You can still become a Gofounder (shareholder) until June 22 at 21:00 pm! 
According to the sponsor of my upline (he now has over 3,000 direct referrals!) you can become a millionaire after about 2.5 years (and that with only 1 account without referrals).
Of course, you can have multiple accounts (provided you use a different email address each time) and you will earn faster and more if you register people.
So be quick and register via THIS link (payments via debit card take about 5 min and payments in crypto about 2 days)

Update April 16, 2022
The soft launch has started and you will soon no longer be able to become a shareholder. Once the hard launch starts, only customers will be registered and these customers will be 100% allocated to the shareholders. Passive Income!!!
Register quickly for only $97,-: HERE
Below are several videos from:
- the start of the marketing campaign
- a promo video (send it to your friends and acquaintances)
- videos about the various software programs
- the exclusive Inpassive song

Update April 3, 2022


Update November 27, 2021: including the new website O-founders!: click HERE

See some screenshot previews below...
You can also see a video of the head office with 1000+ employees HERE


  • Activity: 100% handsfree...passive or active...100% risk-Free...everyone is successful (according to the company)!
  • Company: an Artificial Intelligence/ Information & Tech company (AI / IT) with all technology and software in ownership
  • Product: 1 simple interface with more than 50 business and personal applications/tools/software programs
  • Teaser: VIDEO
  • Participation: one-time $ 97 for top position in matrix (founder)(*from soft launch $ 147) + starter pack appr. $ 150**
  • Registration: Click HERE and click then on the blue button, but also read our Important page
  • Profit: Passive participation will potentially reach $ 2,000,000 within a few years from launch (end of 2020)
  • Payout daily... unlimited
  • Accounts: multiple accounts p.p. are possible (linkable), provided each time with a different email address
  • Network: optional and rewarding. The earnings can be reached faster and no monthly costs from 3 referrals
  • Company: debt-free. Staff consists of former employees of JP Morgan / Apple / Google / Twitter / Wells Fargo etc.
  • Offices: offices in Florida and India with over 1.000 employees
  • Newspaper article: read HERE

A Unicorn company is a privately held tech startup company worth over $ 1 billion. OnPassive is expected to achieve this in 2021 and then fall into the category of Apple / Microsoft / Facebook / Google, among others.
Intel took 16 years to do this. Netflix 10 years. IBM and Apple 8 years. Facebook 6 years and Microsoft and Google 5 years!


*** GoFounders  
*** GoPassive  
*** O-tracker  
*** O-Bless
*** O-Cademy

Update November 1, 2021

  • A 2-story office has been opened in Bangladesh and the government is a strong supporter of OnPassive
  • All 2019 unpaid accounts will be removed from the system by the end of this week
  • Soon, open positions in 2020 will also be flushed out if not activated.
  • On Wednesday 3 November O-Founders will go through the final assessment, it is ready and completed.
  • O-Trim, O-Tracker, O-Mail, O-Lead, O-Bot, and O-Network are being integrated into the new O-Founders website.
  • O-Founders will have a hotline that will operate 24/7 for support and a ticketing system will be available soon.
  • Each account has a one-time password (OTP). For security reasons, an email is sent every time you log in for a code & Captcha. Do not change your login e-mail address with the new O-Mail.
  • will be removed when we all have a domain name for all paid and activated founders at the global launch. In comparison, O-Mail is ahead of everything out there, such as Yahoo, Outlook, or Gmail.
  • O-Wallet was done and completed last summer, they are still awaiting final approval from the government and merchants.
  • They are now just counting down the days but not announcing a date because they have no control over it.
  • All founders fees ($97) they received from 2018 to now have not been touched, not a single withdrawal, that is a ZERO withdrawal.                                                                

** The starter package will be paid (see Participation) at launch, which is expected to be early in 2021.
After the launch, you can no longer register as a founder (shareholder). After this, the focus of the company is on the consumers who buy the software packages.
GoFounders and GoPassive are registered in the US with an office in Florida. They will also register in the jurisdiction of India, where they have now moved into a 5-story office building, which is why the soft launch has been postponed slightly.

Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, Outlook), Zoom, Skype, Facebook, VPN, Calendar, Google, Netscape, Mailbird, etc., etc. are programs with which the developer/owner has become very rich.

The founder of OnPassive has developed more than 50 such programs in-house, which means
- the programs are cheaper to purchase
- the programs are compatible with each other
- the programs perform better, partly thanks to Artificial Intelligence
- the programs are accessible from 1 simple interface
- the programs, each individually, can yield multi-millions / billions
- The proceeds of these programs go to the shareholders .. !!



O-Mail: Email accounts - Similar to Gmail/ Hotmail/ Outlook




O-Capture: capture screens - Similar to Screencast O-Matic/ Movavi




O-Bless: Crowdfunding platforms - Similar to Kickstarter/ Gofundme




O-Connect: Webinar platforms - Similar to Zoom/ Skype/ GoToWebinar




O-Academy: Virtual classrooms - Similar to Google Classroom/ Zoom academy




O-Mylife: Social Media - Similar to Facebook/ Instagram/ LinkedIn/ Youtube




To Be Advised: Sales funnels and marketing platforms - Similar to Mail Chimp/ Aweber/ Clickfunnels




To Be Advised: Domain- and Webhosting and Webdesign - Similar to GoDaddy/ WordPress



Example costs of Zoom:
For 500 Guests: Monthly Fee $ 140
For 1,000 guests: Monthly cost $ 340
For 3,000 guests: Monthly cost $ 990
For 5,000 Guests: Monthly Fee $ 2,490
For 10,000 guests: Monthly cost $ 6,490

O-Connect: unlimited guests included in the monthly fee ($ 150 - $ 250)

GoPassive 100% done for you:

You will receive your own domain which GoPassive will promote FOR YOU

  • GoPassive finds buyers FOR YOU
  • GoPassive presents the company FOR YOU
  • GoPassive does the follow-up FOR YOU
  • GoPassive sells the products FOR YOU
  • GoPassive does the customer service FOR YOU
  • GoPassive arranges the automatic registrations FOR YOU 
  • Everything is done FOR YOU
    ... and best of all, it is done with AI and there is NO competing company out there that can offer it!

GoFounders membership is renewed each year by the commission earned from the year before.

The starter package includes your own website with your own domain name (you can choose it yourself if still available) / digital software programs with AI and the 100% done-for-you.
If you do not have 3 referrals after the Softlaunch, the digital programs and traffic will be paused until you have 3 referrals via the above options (see getting referrals). This makes it almost impossible not to get 3 referrals.

* The Soft-launch is to test the Wallet and the Marketing campaigns.
Shareholders will automatically receive referrals from the marketing campaigns that the company will conduct.

Thanks to Artificial Intelligence, the following incomes are possible without sales ... without marketing ... without building a network:
Year 1: potential income of $6,000, -          ....yearly!!! 
Year 2: potential income of $43,000, -        ....yearly!!! 
Year 3: potential income of $350,000, -      ....yearly!!! 
Year 4: potential income of $1,000,000,  -  ....yearly!!! 
Year 5: potential income of $2,000,000    - ....yearly!!! 

To obtain referrals (your network):

  1. Via Bonus account
  2. Via spillover (from upline)
  3. Personal efforts
  4. Traffic packages
  5. Influencers
  6. OnPassive products (OConnect/ ONet/ OmyLife etc.) 

Important: with active participation (building a network), $ 2,000,000 can be reached faster than 5 years.              
                   With passive participation, it can take longer than 5 years, but even $ 350,000 a year is a fantastic income if you don't 
                    have to do anything yourself ...

The extra benefits for founders:

  • Founders are shareholders and billions will be divided among them, including advertise revenue...!!!
  • Before launch, the company will conduct various campaigns to attract new members (affiliates) which will then be distributed exclusively among the founders. After the launch (expected at the end of 2020, early 2021) you can NEVER register as a founder. Customers will pay the same monthly fee for the starter pack as the founders, except that customers will pay for it out of pocket, so paying a one-time fee of $ 97 is a huge advantage!
    When placing these affiliates with Founders, the date of registration of the Founder and the number of members that the Founder has registered himself is considered.
  • Top position in the matrix
  • Exclusive founders website with the option to brainstorm and give feedback in the beta version
  • FREE advertising and marketing for 1 year
  • Above 100 million customers (with all the financial benefits that this entails) expected in the first year ...


Registration: Click HERE 

Compensation plan:

  1. From 3 referrals you're free of payments
  2. Repeat this 5x and the annual income is $ 100,000 or more
  3. Repeat this 5x and the annual income is $ 1,000,000 or more
  4. Repeat this one more time and the annual income is $ 10,000,000 or more.
    * The exact information will be announced in time and will be posted on the OnPassive website


                                          UNSUCCESSFUL PEOPLE ASK 'HOW MUCH IT'S COSTS'

                                            SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE ASK 'HOW MUCH CAN I MAKE'

Registration: Click HERE